Firebase Firebase is a platform developed by Google. It provides a number of tools and services for building and managing mobile and web...


EMBEDDED SYSTEMS We’ve written custom applications for various embedded platforms. This includes custom hardware, Raspberry Pi, Arduino,...


DESKTOP We’ve written desktop applications in everything from C# to Java to C++ to C itself. More modern cross-platform desktop apps we’ve written have been done with...


DATA WAREHOUSING + BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI) Business intelligence (BI) is the process of collecting, storing, analyzing, and presenting data to help inform business decisions. BI services are tools and solutions that enable organizations to gather, process, and...


NOSQL NoSQL (Not Only SQL) databases are a type of database that do not use the traditional SQL language for managing and manipulating data. Instead, they use alternative, often more flexible and scalable data models, such as key-value pairs, document-oriented, or...